Here are a few things I came up with:
Donate to the victims of Sandy by visiting
Visit Olive Tree Branch to purchase a product where a certain percent of your purchase will go to an adopting family.
Order a bag of coffee (might be too late for shipping, but the brewery is in Murfreesboro, TN if you live in the area).
Make a donation to a non-profit organization in the name of your loved one to something they are interested in.

Visit this page for ways to give back:
Order a pair of TINY TOMS - some of these are so adorable!!
Consider donating or volunteering as a family at an organization like Green House Ministries. Micah has grown out of a lot of his clothes and of course he's got a million toys he doesn't play with anymore. I'll be donating to their food pantry this year as well.
I stumbled acrossed this website through another website that I check and was inspired to add this page as a place to shop. It's called Worthwhile Wear and the proceeds from items purchased go to stop slavery. This is their mission:

"Preventing entrance into and rescuing girls from the sex slave trade by addressing the root cause, poverty, and by providing women and girls an alternative means of income and a NEW life."
Some of their products are beautiful, check out those metal bangels! I've got my eye on a neckalce too. Check them out.
Any other great ideas, leave a comment!!
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