It's a little late in the game, but I wanted to offer up some meaningful suggestions in case you have some last minute shopping to do. I don't know about you, but my home is over saturated with TOYS! And although my kids love toys I'd like to start explaining to them how lucky they are that they don't want for basic needs like food, water and a roof over their head.
Here are a few things I came up with:
Donate to the victims of Sandy by visiting
Visit Olive Tree Branch to purchase a product where a certain percent of your purchase will go to an adopting family.
Order a bag of coffee (might be too late for shipping, but the brewery is in Murfreesboro, TN if you live in the area).
Make a donation to a non-profit organization in the name of your loved one to something they are interested in.

Order a FLEX watch - 10 colors, 10 causes. I got one in BLUE of course :)
Visit this page for ways to give back:
Order a pair of TINY TOMS - some of these are so adorable!!
Consider donating or volunteering as a family at an organization like Green House Ministries. Micah has grown out of a lot of his clothes and of course he's got a million toys he doesn't play with anymore. I'll be donating to their food pantry this year as well.
I stumbled acrossed this website through another website that I check and was inspired to add this page as a place to shop. It's called Worthwhile Wear and the proceeds from items purchased go to stop slavery. This is their mission:
"Preventing entrance into and rescuing girls from the sex slave trade by addressing the root cause, poverty, and by providing women and girls an alternative means of income and a NEW life."
Some of their products are beautiful, check out those metal bangels! I've got my eye on a neckalce too. Check them out.
Any other great ideas, leave a comment!!