Where to begin, what an awesome week this has been. We landed Wednesday night in Nashville and were greeted by family and friends. I was so glad to be home, we had been flying and in airports for the past 24 hours. We found out Tuesday morning when we went to leave Addis Ababa that Ethiopia's Prime Minister had died. When we went to the airport his body was arriving so we had a two hour layover. Not too bad, and Sanai was asleep. It made our layover less in Washington.
We then flew from Washington DC to Charlotte, NC and then from Charlotte to Nashville. And Sanai never cried ONE time on any of the flights. God knew I needed an easy child! She's seriously so precious and so sweet. She never stops smiling :)
First time in a car seat!
She's really adjusted well to the new time change and all the people. She's not used to having so much attention and I was worried that she might get fussy or over stimulated but so far she has been good. My parents leave tomorrow so I'll officially be on my own and we are headed to Nashville for her first doctors appointment at the International Adoption Clinic.

Today was a great day though, we had our baby shower at a local church and we had a great time. We decided to bring Sanai the last 30 minutes to let everyone see her. She did really well! Once we got through all the gifts that we received we decided to head to dinner. She sat in her car seat the whole time and was perfectly content. After we got home she got a bath, lotion and pajamas. She seems to really enjoy a warm bottle and falls right to sleep at night. I don't have to rock her or hold her, she just goes right to sleep. At night when she wakes up I just feed her a bottle and lay her back down and she goes right back to sleep.
Taking a snooze in her crib |
I think she's so used to sleeping with a blanket over her face in Ethiopia that she pulls the blanket over her face sometimes. They put the thin blankets over babies faces in Ethiopia to keep the flies out of their eyes and mouth. Flies commonly carry diseases so this is to help prevent that.
More updates and pictures coming soon...
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