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Monday, May 19, 2014

I'm pretty excited about this new adventure for our family. The kids are beyond excited about living near the beach.
Let me back up, Tommy and I made a trip to Ft Walton about a month ago where he officially interviewed and accepted a job as an offensive coordinator for the Ft Walton Beach Vikings.  The head coach was his old positions coach when he played at the near by school, Niceville.  They put us up in a really nice Villa right on the beach on Okaloosa Island.  We also enjoyed a few nights of awesome sea food and falling asleep to the sound of the ocean!

This past weekend we decided to head down for a inner squad scrimmage and to take the kids with us. I knew they would love playing in the sand. The weather was so nice, it was sunny and 80 degrees the whole time we were there.  Friday morning we got up and the kids were begging to go down to the water. Who forgets swimsuits when you go to the beach...this MOM! UGH. We made due.

She wasn't too sure about the sand on her feet!
After a day in the sun, we headed to the high school.  There was an inner squad scrimmage scheduled that evening and there was a ton of people there.  We were announced at half time and Tommy was able to get a glimpse of the team and the players that he'll be coaching.

The next day we hit up the beach again and also visited the mall while Tommy had a meeting.  The kids had fun playing and shared a smoothie to top the day off. 

So here it is...our new home! I can't wait to be living here, enjoying the weather and meeting new people. 

We headed home on Sunday and about half way through the trip we got pretty restless.  The kids offered to drive...perhaps not the best idea!  We made it home safe (with Tommy driving).


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I've been meaning for some time now to post about what I've done with Micah, our 5 year old's room.  Our adoption has been completed now for well over a year and our son was great through the whole process of us traveling and being busy with paper work and fundraising.  And after she got home he was so helpful and loves on his little sister so much.  Of course she gets a lot of attention wherever we go so I felt like it was time to do something special for him and he's very into SUPER HEROES!  I really wanted to do a super hero themed bedroom for him and although I'm not really into theme rooms I thought it might encourage him to sleep in his room more also! 

I had seen on a room makeover how they had bought panels of the faux brick and attached them to the wall.  In the makeover they painted the panels once they were on the wall but it gave me the idea to do that in his room to make it look like the outside of a building - and who climbs on the outside of buildings but SPIDER MAN!

Again, everything in this room was mostly DIY which is how I did Sanai's room (you can check that out here

I was able to find wall decal on Amazon for the perfect spiderman! 

Goodwill lamp $5, spray painted red with a new shade.
I went to a local antique store and scored about 5 comic books and cut the pages in the shape of pendants and hung them on a string acrossed the room.

Everytime we head to Iowa we make a pit stop in Metropolis, IL and pick up a poster.  We have 4 now so I cut some left over wood from the head board and painted them black and mounted them behind the prints to make them more substantial.  Thiswas way cheaper than trying to custom frame them.

To cover the seam between the two pieces of faux brick paneling I found a piece of PVC pipe in the basement that I sprayed painted silver. I purchased the top piece from Lowe's and taped it to the top and attached it with metal striping.

I visited our local Habitat Restore and purchased 3 wood frame windows for $5 each! I painted them black and covered the back of the panes with white paper so you couldn't see through them.  I was also able to find this light, which I wanted to look like a street light, from the Habitat store and painted it red.

These letters used to hang above Micah's crib and were painted white. I cut out figures from old comic books and decoupaged them to the letters to go with the room.

Once the spiderman was attached to the wall, I screwed an eyelet hook to his hand and put three nails on the ceiling and strung fishing line in the eyelet to each nail several times to make it look like spiderman was shooting his web!

You can't tell with it being day time but before I attached the head board to the wall I taped white christmas lights behind it.  The head board sits several inches away from the wall to create a 3D effect and at night when I turn the lights on it looks like the city is lit up and is a great night light.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I've been mum for quite awhile on my site and it's not for a lack of things happening.  I really needed to get over a few things that were going on so that I didn't take out all my frustrations and hurt in the cyberworld.  I try to embrace change with an open mind and heart, but I'm not always the best at it. Esepcially when it's not what you were expecting!   I know I definitely need to work on forgiving people.  Sometimes it's one and done with me and I have a hard time moving past things.  We are all a work in progress, right?

We are getting ready for a pretty big transition in our lives in the next few months.  My husband is a football coach which usually means we aren't going to be in on place necessarily for a super long time. I'm trying to embrace it at this time in our lives when our kids are still small and we are able to experience new places and meet new people.  Some places are better than others, some are down right awful.  But the one thing that I love about it all is that we are forced to rely on each other as an immediate family.  We turn to each other in times of crisis and tears which has made our marriage incredibly strong.

As Micah nears the end of his pre-school year, I'm excited that he was able to experience such a great pre-K teacher.  Mrs. LeAnne has been a blessing to our family not only in providing a great atmosphere for Micah as he enters his education but also as a support system for my family. What a sweet person we have been blessed to know!

I also am going to truly miss my daughter's daycare, they have been amazing with Sanai not only teaching her things (she's a light weight genius!) but also being flexible with work hours and her medical issues that we sometimes experience. Nothing starts my day off better than knowing my child loves her daycare and that they love her back.

Our house is for sale and I'm trusting that God will provide the right buyer very soon.  As to where we will end up at the end of this journey, we don't know quite yet.  But I'm definitely ready for the next chapter to begin!