Watch Our Progress

easy fundraisers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's been several weeks so I figured it was time for an update.  Unfortunately, there isn't much to say. Our case isn't any further today than it was a few weeks ago.  We are waiting for our documents to be submitted to the federal court system in Ethiopia.  Once our case is submitted it should take about 4 weeks for our court date and we would be traveling to Ethiopia to meet our daughter!

My heart fell into my stomach last week when I found out from the adoption agency Director that the judge of the court, a young Muslim woman who had that position for a long time, had QUIT!  Instead of waiting to train another person she left, instead of waiting until the courts shut down in August she left!  Grrrr.  This means a lot of uncertainty and at this point we are just sitting and waiting and HOPING we get a court date before the rainy season shut down which is the whole month of August and September.

I've been trying to just stay busy and not think about what's going on or else I'll go insane.  It's awful that there's absolutely nothing we can do. They weren't kidding when they said you had to be patient!

So in the past few weeks we've had a lot going on.  Tommy had the chance to MC the high school's Black History Club talent show and there was a lot of really good acts.

We also got involved with the local Habitat for Humanity in helping a local woman get a home she needed.  The football team also joined in the building and it was so neat to see how many kids showed up. 

The walls went up quickly

He thought he was really doing something by pounding this dirt!

After all the building we headed to Knoxville for a football game.  Tommy is an assistant coach for an indoor football team for the Knoxville Knighthawks.  He used to coach an arena football team in Louisville for around 7 years but has moved to coaching high school football for the past two years.  So when a friend of his called to ask him to help coach again he jumped at the chance!  We have a lot of fun at the games but unfortunately they didn't get a win that night.

Watching warm ups

Coaching the defense
So between all the waiting we are just trying to live life and have fun and pray that things start moving.  Please PRAY that we get a court date soon!

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