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Thursday, June 21, 2012


As you've read our case was submitted to court last Friday the 15th.  I was expecting to wait maybe two weeks to find out when we were going to court.  You can't base your case off anyone elses because each one is different so I really wasn't sure when we would find out.  So naturally, I've been working on the nursery and staying busy to keep my mind off things.

I was at work this morning and was taking a pyament for a customer when an email notification came through on my screen showing the first few lines of an email from Sue, our agency director.  It said "go meet your baby on July 9th for court".  My eyes got really wide and I said rather loudly "OH MY GOSH!"  Of course the customer sort of freaked out thinking I had double charged him or something crazy, ha ha.  I told him that I just got a really exciting email.  LOL

So as you can imagine, we are beyond excited and freaking out a bit getting things together since we will be traveling in about 2 1/2 weeks!!  Woot Woot

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I got the email this morning that I've been waiting for for almost 3 months now and that is that we are being submitted to court tomorrow.  I literally felt like the clouds had parted and that the angels were singing "HALLELUJAH!!!!"  ha ha

You truly don't know what patience is until you adopt.  At least when I was pregnant I knew in 9 months that he would be here.  I could plan, put things on a timeline and not have to guess.  I'm a planner and I hate not being organized.  It's tough when there are no answers - it's the nature of adoption.  I was trying to explain to my husband that the Ethiopian court system doesn't care when his training camp starts and that he'll just have to figure it out.  He actually thinks he should have a say when we have court - silly boy....We got our shots last week and need to go back for more but for the most part we will be ok with what we have and will just need to finish out the Hepatitis series when they come due. 

Each case is different so it's really hard to say but I am hoping that in about two weeks we will have a court date and that it will be about 3 weeks or so from that day.  Meaning, we will hopefully be traveling in 5-6 weeks.  STAY TUNED...

Monday, June 4, 2012

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted, OPPS!  Probably because, sadly, I don't have much to report.  As some of you know the judge in Ethiopia had quit her position very unexpectedly last month.  There was a stand-in but the process has been slow moving and the new judge has requested some new paperwork from the original orphanage and our Power of Attorney in Ethiopia is having a hard time getting them to release the documents we need.  The orphanage doesn't understand why they are asking for these documents because they have never asked for them before.

We continously get updates and photos of Sanai, she is now about 13-14 weeks old and weighs about 12.2 lbs and is 24.6 inches long.  She has changed so much from her original pictures that it sort of makes me sad.  The hardest part is feeling like I'm missing out on all her cute faces and her first smiles.  I know she is getting great care though which makes it a bit easier.

I get up every Saturday morning around 6:30am and get on Skype and am able to see her for about 5 minutes.  The nanny will go get her and hold her up in front of the camera.  Of course she has no idea what she's looking at but I can talk to her and ask them to kiss her for me!

This Thursday we have doctors appts to start our immunization shots. We have to get the tetanus shot, Hepatitis A and B and the T-Dap.  Our family doctor is in the process of adopting from Haiti so I'm sure he'll have some helpful insight on any other things we might need.

So until we hear any more news we just wait and hope that we hear something soon!