I survived Thanksgiving...barely...and not without a large hit to our bank account! Each year for T-giving and Christmas we alternate who's family we visit. This year we were headed to Iowa to celebrate so on Tuesday before we left we took my vehicle in for a tire rotation and oil change. Unfortunately, one of my tires needed to be replaced adding a hefty tag to my bill. It's ok, rather safe than sorry.
We were about 6 hours into our 10.5 hour trip and my car decides it's over heated and I have to pull over. We waited an hour and a half for a tow, the guy was super nice. He took our vehicle to his shop then loaded our bags, car seats, presents and other useless travel items into his truck and drove us 20 minutes to the nearest rental car place. We loaded up into the rental and finished out our trip.
In the tow truck |
My dad ended up driving us 4 hours back to the repair place and we picked up our vehicle. Apparently the water pump broke which was not cheap. Another lovely bill. We made the 6 hour trek back to our home in Tennessee. Between the coughing, crying and crabiness I tried to keep my sanity. We got home around midnight.
This morning I got up and got the kids ready for daycare, but when I woke Sanai up I noticed she was very hot. She's been teething and her nose has been running so I didn't think too much about it. I gave her some tylenol, got her dressed and took her out to the car. I buckled her in and was looking for something in the car when I heard her sneeze. This normally means that there is a rocket of snot smeared on her face but when I peeked to check on her, she was staring blankly at the sky. I rustled her and said her name but she didn't move. I quickly unbuckled her and she was limp! I strapped her back up and ran into the house to grab my three year old.
My poor pumpkin |
Luckily, we live very close to the hospital and I'm sure I made it there in record time. I could hear her convulsing while we were driving and I was so scared. I have never experience a seizure and wasn't even sure that is what was going on. I parked and ran with her in my arms into the ER. The nurse promptly came and took her and we undressed her. I fumbled my phone and called my husband and my boss.
My friend Dawn, an incredible nurse, who came to help |
In about 5 minutes she started becoming more alert. They took her vitals, xrays, blood work and gave her a few shots. Her temp was 102.9 and apparently she had a febril seizure which is caused when an infant/toddler's body temp is very high. She also has an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection. She received a breathing treatment and was dischared about 2.5 hours after we arrived.
She's been prescribed an antiobiotic and a steroid and has been sleeping most of the day. This evening she's been back to her normal self. I'm sure we'll take turns checking on her every hour tonight!
Slept on mommy most of the day |